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Elizabeth Saslaw

Stoneware Pottery

For as far back as I can remember, I wanted to earn a living by selling things I created with my own hands. The realization of this lifelong dream is something I am truly grateful for. I went from being a young, slightly unfocused college art student who casually stumbled into pottery to a committed potter in love with the feel of wet, slippery clay between my fingertips. The rhythmic process of slapping a lump of clay on the wheel and coaxing each piece into shape is still something that enthralls and challenges me, even 30-plus years later.


I live in Lincoln, Vermont. and my work is inspired by the nature I see in my own backyard. My stoneware is fully functional and displays an elegant and decorative design.

Portrait of artist Elizabeth Saslaw

Art on Main

25 Main Street

Bristol VT 05443


Gallery Hours

Please Note:
Art on Main will close March 9-17 for painting and general spiffing up! 


We  will reopen on Tuesday March 18 and begin new spring hours of Tues - Sat, 10-5


 If need something during this time, please call and leave a message at 802-453-4032 or email us through

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11 am - 4 pm   Wednesday - Saturday

©2023 Art on Main. Web design by Jenna Rice Creative

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